I love the color of this Carol Little dress! I got this for FREE from a friend and you might recognize this white eyelet jacket from casual Friday that I paid $3.00 for! This is a perfect example of mixing and matching your pieces to make different looks. Most outfits can be dressed up or dressed down depending on what you pair them with. This dress is great on its own but I am not that comfortable wearing sleeveless to the office, personally. That's mostly because of my weight loss and not wanting to expose my flabby arms. LOL I use cardigans, shrugs and jackets to dress up my outfits and strategically hiding the body parts I'm not thrilled with. If you are not comfortable in your outfit, you will self-conscious all day long! That's no way to spend your day.
So, I love the dress but needed a little something extra. Throwing on a sweater or jacket makes it the perfect ensemble!
You look beautiful in that dress!